The Students in the ten stages uses puppets of different colours and sizes as a tool for asking students questions that unravel the unseen trauma within.
Recognition lays the cornerstone for a life in recovery.
The Students in the ten stages uses puppets of different colours and sizes as a tool for asking students questions that unravel the unseen trauma within. It is a playful indirect way of engaging the child within in a conversation so that it can tell the unseen life story of its repetitive trauma and unfinished,unseen problems .
The puppets represent children, adults and older people. The puppets can sit, stand and move their arms, legs and head.
How the child within actually positions the puppets, making the relationships between the child and its family visible as if from a distance, provides insight into how they interrelate and interact In this way areas of tension and other problems are revealed.
The child within is asked to participate after meditation using the puppets to represent its own family members to create a picture of its own family. The stages guides are trained in the so-called “circular technique”, asking the child within questions about the family using the duplo puppets. In this way the relationships between the various members, how they communicate with each other and how family members cope with problems become explicit in a short period of time.
This way of exploration to gather information gives a clear picture and insight into the complex family and living conditions of the child within and elicits glimpses of its traumas. The guides also identifies where the inner strengths and external resources of the child and its family lie.