Our minds are capable of great amounts of darkness and fear.

Our minds are capable of great amounts of darkness and fear. The human mind alone is powerful, but it is not all-powerful, nor is it always right. In fact, human beings have a track record of getting things vastly wrong before we get them right.

We tend to learn through pain and destruction and to this day, the majority of human beings are still running thought patterns that do not understand that each person is a part of a greater whole – that what one person does affects us all. We are still running thought patterns of separation and, as a result, fear.

Some folks are breaking free of this, but many are still under the hypnosis of fear, separation and are seeking to get recovery from "out there" instead of looking where recovery truly resides, which is always "in here."

Our minds can be genius, but our minds can also be the source of massive suffering.

The beautiful thing about the human mind is that each one of us has an opportunity to train our mind to think like a Recovery Stager. We can CHOOSE to align our thoughts with thoughts of Recovery, Peace, Compassion, Non-Judgement, etc. Or we can CHOOSE to align our thoughts with fear, lack, separation and the like.

When we choose to align our thoughts and actions with recovery, we tap into a wisdom far greater than our mind can comprehend.

We were birthed from an intelligence that we cannot understand, yet we feel intuitively. When we surrender our will and understanding to that subtle voice within, we sign up for an AWESOME and EPIC adventure. We won't know what's going to happen next, but we know that we will always be taken care of.

The first thing that usually happens when we surrender is that the our problems literally hits the fan. Time and time again, whether we are consciously or unconsciously walking on The Path, the problem will hit the fan. Our limited perspective from our minds will want to see moments like this as bad, negative and horrible. It's only natural. When something tragic, unplanned or painful happens, it makes total sense to see that event as a negative.

BUT – because we have NO idea what is going to happen in the next moment or in the next year as a result of these seeming disasters, we cannot, if we are tapped into recovery, label them as bad, negative or disasters.

The mind that is aligned with the stages simply observes these circumstances and chooses not to label them. We feel the feelings that come with each circumstance, but we do not let them define us or keep us stuck in a rut. We let the feelings come and go like a gust of wind – unattached and aware.

Because we do not know what is going to happen next, if we choose to prevent or resist the present moment, we may actually be interrupting a miracle in progress.

When things are falling apart in our life, consider that it might actually be Grace.

Celebrate the end of a chapter in your life and ride the wave so you can be reborn, smarter, wiser and with even more recovery and Understanding in your heart.

Choose to see even THIS MOMENT as a miracle in progress, and then get out of your own way.
